Welcome to the website of Kaleidoscope, the classic TV organisation. In 1992 we began publishing books about the history of UK television. These books were unique because we list FULL ARCHIVE HOLDINGS for thousands of UK series. Now the sum of all that knowledge is contained in TV Brain. TV Brain contains information more accurate than IMDB or Wikipedia. It's based on the Radio Times, TV Times, scripts, watching thousands of programmes, huge written archives donated to Kaleidoscope, and our huge archive. A small part of the archive can be watched online aswell. So if you want to find out what exists in the archives, or read about untransmitted pilots and series, TV Brain is a comprehensive, searchable history of UK television dating back to 1936.

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2023 NEWS - Kaleidoscope launches a new seies of podcasts to celebrate our 35th anniversary - THE KALEIDOPOD - available here https://anchor.fm/tvbrain

Welcome to Kaleidoscope’s TV Brain

The collective host of all our knowledge

Britain’s longest-established television heritage organisation. Est 1987

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Everything you want to know about UK Television

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Do you have a Lost TV Show? Search and find out!


Alan Plater, Writer
2017-02-06, 11:06
“…a very enterprising group of people in the midlands called Kaleidoscope who specialise in looking at old programmes, getting copies that everyone thinks have long disappeared and they find them and restore them, and they do credits lists for people like me.”
Brian Tesler
2017-02-06, 16:02
“Kaleidoscope are the Keepers of the Flame as far as television is concerned. Their tireless search for gold from TV's past, their all-day screenings of that precious material when they've found it, their publications recording facts and figures, reminiscences and histories of the birth and growth of this extraordinary medium make them an endless source of entertainment and interest. Long may they delight the amateur historian, the happy viewer and the blissful anorak in all of us.”
Sue Malden, Focal and former BBC Archive Selector
2017-02-06, 11:05
“When I launched the Treasure Hunt for missing programmes from the BBC Archive nearly 15 years ago it was encouraging to know that Kaleidoscope were in the background helping and more importantly still there doing great work tracing missing TV.”